Physician Licensing Service makes getting your Physician License easy and stress-free. Just fill out a quick 15-minute online form, and you'll get the needed signature forms within 5 business days.

Send these back to us with a few other required items from our MedLicense Application Checklist below, and then sit back while the State Medical Board processes your application. We've streamlined this process for over 50,000 physicians since 2001, handling all the paperwork and follow-ups. This lets you focus on your patients instead of the licensing details.

For U.S.-trained doctors, it typically takes about 2 months and 3 weeks from when you complete and notarize your paperwork to when you receive your license. For doctors trained abroad, it usually takes about 3 months and 2 weeks. Please note, these are average times and can vary.

Purchase Physician Licensing Services

Included with Medical License Service:

  • Set up State Medical Board Applications
  • Set up required primary source requests
  • Submission of Applications
  • Submission of Reference Forms to References
  • Submission of Required Forms to other State Medical Boards
  • Requests of Transcripts from Med Schools and Universities
  • Submission of Required Forms to Hospitals and Institutions
  • Submission of Temporary Applications Completion of FCVS forms (if required or requested)

How to Verify a Medical License:

You can directly verify any medical license in the USA by visiting the 2 websites below. If you cannot locate the license via Docfinder, then directly visit the State Medical Board's Website directly and search. If that doesn't work, then call the Medical Board in question to verbally verify the license.

Locate Licenses with Docfinder:

State Medical Board Contacts:

MedLicense Application Checklist

  1. Submit Information: Submit your details to through our website. Alternatively, provide your information via a 5-minute phone consultation at 770-456-5932.

  2. Send Your CV: Email your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to us.

  3. Proof and Sign Documents: Receive a pre-completed packet from us. Carefully review, proof, and sign off on the packet.

  4. Return Completed Packet: Return the signed and completed packet to You can also upload the packet directly on our website.

  5. Application Submission: updates and submits each application to the appropriate state medical boards.

  6. Request Verification: requests all necessary primary source verifications from schools, hospitals, boards, and institutions.

  7. Follow-Up on Verifications: consistently follows up with all verifying institutions to ensure all required verifications are completed.

  8. Final Follow-Up: maintains regular communication with the State Medical Boards until they confirm that the applications are fully processed and complete.